Good morning, dear reader! I want to sincerely thank you for joining me here! Life is full of little surprises. Sometimes, these come as sweet, heartwarming packages dotted along the way, waiting to cheer us up–you know, the fuzzy kind of surprises. Something like reconnecting with a friend, having the best hair day, finding a stunning deal, or finding the ideal parking spot. And then there is the other kind. The one that is like a lightning bolt, striking out of the clear blue sky and...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
Good morning, dear reader! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for taking the time out of your morning to join me here. I was flipping through an older journal of mine. Just thumbing through memories. Events, happy days, and . . . hard ones. As I read, I was touched to see just how much God cares about me, even in those hard and dark moments. I wanted to share a small vignette written in the middle of a struggle with faith. I wrote this entry almost two winters ago, and it kind of reveals...
2 months ago • 4 min read
Good morning, dear reader! This month, I am taking this space to reflect somberly. When I twist my gaze to look at the past month, my cheeks burn with regret. I’ve messed up. Some months hold triumphs—stretches and streaks of days when I’ve done well. I’ve performed at my best. I’ve achieved a milestone. But there are also months of defeat. In the acrid sting of failure, a resolve burns low and solemn in my soul. A vow takes form on the tip of my tongue as I narrow my eyes to surmount the...
3 months ago • 5 min read
Four Nourishing Habits October 15, 2024 Good morning my friends! Once again, I am so excited to write in this journal! Much has happened in the past month! School is progressing well and I’m now rounding the corner to conquer my Midterms. It’ll be very nice to have them behind me! However, I’ve had this newsletter idea for a while. Lately, I have been exhausted and mentally zapped. Oftentimes, I reach the end of the day and silently groan at my to-do list for the next day. Just about every...
5 months ago • 4 min read
New Season! September 15, 2024 Good morning, my friends! The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" I am in a new season of life, and with this new phase things might look a little different here on my newsletter. . . No~I'm not starting a YouTube channel, but I made a short little video, giving a little life update and what this will mean for newsletters in the future. Click the link below, and enjoy! If you know...
6 months ago • 1 min read
Only Positive Thoughts Allowed August 30, 2024 Good morning, my friends! I have a digital sticky note of random, motivational sayings. Just recently, I was decluttering old notes, and read through my list of mood-boosting quips. Most of them have to do with abstaining from OVERTHINKING. (Do I have a fellow overthinker? hahaha!) In college, I found this pin on Pinterest that made me crack a smile because it exposed my bad habit of overthinking and framed it as it indeed was. It was added to my...
6 months ago • 3 min read
Things I Wish I Knew "Freshman Year" August 15, 2024 Good morning, my friends! This past May, I completed my freshman year of Bible college in Kentucky. Yay-I survived! Haha! And although I'm far from an expert, I did take some notes on things that worked, some things that DID NOT work, and some things that I would have changed. If you are heading off to college in a couple of weeks, this newsletter might be for you! If you know of someone who is heading off to college, this newsletter might...
7 months ago • 6 min read
Pondered In The Heart July 30, 2024 Good morning my friends! Thank you for joining me here in my little journal! "Mary's Story" Mary was a quiet, reflective woman. As she observed life around her, she picked up glimpses to ponder in her heart. "But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) I imagine that when the rest of her house was hushed in sleep, she would bring these memories out and replay them against the dark. She would string together some of the key...
7 months ago • 4 min read
Things I Wish I Knew "Central African Missions Trip" July 15, 2024 Good morning, my friends! Last month I took a breath-taking missions trip to Gabon, Central Africa. On the trip, I learned so much about people, myself, and the culture. . . but I also learned some practical things! Now, I am not an expert on African travel by any stretch of the imagination, so please consult an actual expert if you are taking an expedition to the continent! Haha! I'm just listing some things I picked up from...
8 months ago • 6 min read